Beautiful Byron

According to Wikipedia, Byron is…

…a neighbourhood in the City of London, Ontario, Canada.

Located downriver (west) from London on the outer fringes of the city, Byron was originally called Westminster, then renamed Hall’s Mill, and then finally Byron. The Byron area was settled in 1800 and first became a village in 1804. The village of Byron was annexed by the City of London in 1961 and the population grew substantially with the development of large subdivisions around the original village.

Today, many who live in Byron are proud residents and care strongly about maintaining the identity of the village as a distinct community separate from London.

With a little effort searching on Facebook and other sources one can come across plenty of references to the evolution of the community. Here are some interesting example photos showing how the area round Bijou Boutique has developed over the decades.

 Click the photo to enlarge it.

byron clothes store

Apparently Bijou Boutique is not the first clothes store in Byron

Byron, London Automotive Garage
The automotive garage in the village centre


Coffee store in Byron, OntarioNot quite Starbucks but serving a similar purpose for the Byron community Southwold School BryonByron’s Soutwold School in 1967

Floating House in 1937 flood in Byron ON
Moving house?… No, this was the 1937 flood in Bryon